Three Reasons to Join the CMP Summit August 22

The 2024 Colorado Media Project Summit takes place on August 22 in Thornton. From Noon to 5 p.m. CMP grantees, funders, partners, and community and civic leaders will gather to spotlight bright spots and accomplishments over the past year, and strategize how to advance our shared vision for a healthy Colorado local news ecosystem. Here are three reasons to join us!

1. Be Inspired by Flash Talks from Colorado’s Local News Leaders
In the face of strong headwinds and limited resources, collaboration and innovation among Colorado’s local newsrooms, journalism support organizations and community partners has never been stronger. Join us as more than a dozen of Colorado’s local news leaders give five-minute “flash talks” and lead roundtable discussions on these timely and provocative issues:

2. Explore Coalition-Building and Public Policy Strategies for a Healthier Local News and Civic Information Ecosystem
Across the U.S. and abroad, free press advocates are calling on local, state and federal policymakers to protect, strengthen and support local news as a public good. Join us for a discussion of how together we can build demand, momentum, allies, and a broad-based coalition to drive public policy that supports informed communities. Featuring:

3. Connect with National, Statewide, and Place-Based Funders
CMP’s philanthropic partners will be in listening mode throughout the Summit, learning alongside journalists, academics, students, civic and community leaders to advance solutions for a healthier, more resilient and inclusive public square in Colorado. Before we adjourn, five foundation leaders will share their takeaways, final thoughts, and upcoming opportunities. Featuring:

Please use Event code CMP24SUMMIT to register.

The 2024 Colorado Media Project Summit is a special, FREE pre-conference session of the Colorado Press Association’s 146th Annual Convention. Everyone who attends the CMP Summit is invited to stay for a 5-7 p.m. legislative reception with CPA and a ticketed event featuring Dan Harris, former ABC News anchor and NYT Bestselling author of “10% Happier.” RSVP for all events here!

Foundation leaders (only) are invited to a 8 a.m. to Noon session on August 22 immediately prior to the CMP Summit. Please contact Sam Moody ( for a funder registration code.

If you have any questions, please contact Sam Moody at

We hope to see you there!