KBNO - Que Bueno Radio

Que Bueno1280 is a Spanish-language radio station that has served Colorado for over 50 years, informing and empowering Latino and emerging communities in their native language - Spanish.


Advancing Equity 2023

2023 Advancing Equity Award: $5,000 to support Que Bueno Radio in meeting the local news and information needs of Colorado's Spanish-speaking residents.

2023 Advancing Equity Update: KBNO has hired two part-time reporters on a project basis, focused on key community issues. Having active staff members working in the community has generated new channels of community engagement for the station, gathering community voices to share on air. To expand their capacity for community coverage, they have established a partnership with El Comercio de Colorado, whose publisher, Jesus Sanchez-Melean, joins the show regularly to provide a summary of recent headlines, or commentary on key community news.