Alamosa Citizen is a member-supported, nonpartisan daily online newspaper that works to provide information and build civic involvement in the San Luis Valley. We are a vibrant digital voice for our diverse communities that will:

  • Report on daily news events and happenings

  • Develop issue-oriented enterprise journalism

  • Develop community-supported daily podcasts and live-stream broadcasts

  • Create live-event programming for a rich mixture of community-oriented content.


Advancing Equity 2023; #newsCOneeds 2023

2023 Advancing Equity Award: $5,000 to support the Alamosa Citizen with business growth, sustainability support and coaching.

2023 Advancing Equity Update: This year, the Alamosa Citizen has launched a digital ad campaign, alongside their new Outdoor Citizen podcast, securing 15-20 new supporting members, and a slate of new advertisers. They are in the process of transitioning their CMS to Newspack, and have been connected with the CPA’s Digital Transitions Working Group. They have also supported the creation of the Rural Journalism Institute of the San Luis Valley, a new nonprofit supporting three paid high school journalism interns.