Denver Urban Spectrum is a monthly publication that has served the Denver metro area since 1987, spreading the news about people of color, and covering stories not normally addressed in the mainstream media.
Community News Network 2022-2024; #newsCOneeds 2023
Community News Network Award: $135,000 over three years to support digital innovation, ownership transition, and national affiliations for this respected monthly magazine serving Coloradans of color, with a focus on Black communities.
Community News Network 2022 Update: While the first year of Denver Urban Spectrum’s CNN grant was spent planning, this year they are in full implementation mode. They have augmented their staff with new, clearly defined roles and leadership growth plans, and are in the midst of completing their CMS transition to Newspack, with support from a CMP Digital Transition grant. They have completed two spring fundraising campaigns, successfully increasing their recurring donors, and honing their ability to deliver personalized messages from staff to readers. Finally, they have been accepted into the third Knight x LMA BloomLab Cohort.